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prison ministry

Prison Ministry

Kanater Prison is located on the outskirts of Cairo. The prison houses men and women, Egyptian and non-Egyptian.

There are more than two hundred non-Egyptians in the prison. Some have sentences for crimes in Egypt. Others have been caught in Egypt without a visa and are waiting for deportation. Others are applying and waiting for refugee status from UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees).

The prison authorities provide less than half of the inmate’s needs, as it is partially expected that their families will provide for some of their basic needs. The Prison Ministry of the Diocese of Egypt focuses on non-Egyptians who do not have family to provide these basic needs, stepping in as the church and becoming their family.

For more than 15 years, members of the Diocese of Egypt have travelled once a week to visit Kanater Prison. They help to meet material needs through providing basic food supplies, medicine, clothes and blankets, as well as pastoral support, sharing the Gospel, and praying with the prisoners.

The prisoners have their own Christian fellowship within the prison and hold weekly church services and Bible studies. The Prison Ministry team is in regular contact with this group, and we respond to their requests.

Want to join us?

WE VISIT THE PRISON EVERY TUESDAY (we meet at the cathedral at 8:30 and leave together)