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The Archbishop Participates In The Closing Of The Week Of Prayer For Unity In “St. Mark Maadi…

Dr. Samy Fawzy, Archbishop of the Episcopal/Anglican Province of Alexandria, participated in the closing of the week of prayer for unity hosted by the Coptic Church of St. Mark in Maadi, where he was received by Anba Daniel, Secretary of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church.

The Archbishop said that the Week of Prayer for Unity constitutes an opportunity to meet the leaders of the Christian denominations in a common prayer entitled to love, pointing out that unity does not mean fusion within one entity.

The Archbishop explained the prayer of Christ from the Gospel of John chapter 17, saying:

Christ is glorified in us through longsuffering, the Lord Christ calls us and we resist his call, he talks to us all the time, he speaks to us with his Holy Spirit and shows his love for us, adding: Many lose the way and lose themselves

Christ is glorified in us when we testify of the grace of Christ in our lives and offer love, forgiveness, kindness, meekness, and self-dedication.

And he continued: When we do this, we glorify the Lord Christ. You bear for His sake, and you know that every blessing and blessing come from Him, and everything good comes from Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, and that is why He is glorified in us.

While the Archbishop thanked the five denominations participating in the week and the organizing committees of the Egypt Council of Churches, wishing that the love of the church leaders would reach all Christians everywhere.

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